Last year, I wrote a short screenplay for Randy Landers'
Hospital Ship Marie Curie Star Trek fan series. They run 8 - 10 minute episodes within the new guidelines put out by Paramount and CBS. After touring the sets last year (they are amazing, by the way), I came up with an idea so I wrote an episode called "Under Fire" for them. Today, they filmed the episode, which is pretty darn cool. Sadly, I was unable to be there for the filming, but I look forward to seeing shots when they are available. Follow their progress
Hospital Ship Marie Curie "Under Fire"
The Marie Curie arrives at Donset IV, a planet caught between the warring nations of the Procyn and Gropos Empires. Both governments have laid claim to the planet. Starfleet has been rendering aid to the local indigenous personnel while a cease fire remains in effect. When hostilities flare up, the Marie Curie crew is caught in the line of fire between two warring nations while they try to rescue their people and an injured Federation ambassador before it's too late.
Hospital Ship Marie Curie "Under Fire" stars Lillian A Cole (Captain Starr) LaCindra McGowan (Chief Surgeon Cavanaugh), Michael Hadden (Tactical Officer Burroughs), Veronica Dashell (Security Chief Jackson), Kyle Paul (Navigator Jones and Transporter Chief Huise), Anna Holloway (Science Officer Stone), Elisha McCartha (Comm Officer Arson), Jakob McCartha (Cadet McKenna), Josh Alford (Engineering Officer Longings), Charles Kelso (Engineering Officer Bobodobalina), and guest star Franklin Hadden (Ambassador Massey). Randy and his crew have a great deal of fun making these shorts. Please visit the site and check out some of their other releases.
Script cover page. |
Hospital Ship Marie Curie: The experimental Naucrate-class hospital ship, Marie Curie, NCC-2179, is on a mission: to aid and give hope to all who are suffering. Operating in Quadrant 9, this vessel is tasked with rendering help to planets, starbases and ships suffering from disasters, plagues, and war. Join us as we follow her maiden voyages...
If you happen to be in or around the Birmingham, Alabama area on the weekend of July 27 - 29, join me, Randy, Michael Day, and maybe a cast member or two at the
Hoover Library's SciFi/Fantasy Fest 2018 in Hoover, AL. (Hoover Public Library, 200 Municipal Drive, Hoover, AL 35216 | (205) 444-7820). We'll be doing a panel on fan films at the event, which should be a lot of fun. I hope to see you there. and will have details.
I hope you're having a great weekend.