The first Saturday in May is
Free Comic Book Day. I have been part of
FCBD events since the event began back in 2002. Usually, I spend the day doing free sketches for kids, but didn't get to do that this year. I make it a point to do a different venue each year for FCBD so I can really take in the joy of the event because I still love reading comics as much as I enjoy making them.
This year, I was a guest at
Galactic Quest's FCBD event in Lawrenceville, GA. This is my third time at this store, second at this location. Let me tell you, Galactic Quest does Free Comic Book Day big, including giving away an actual ton of comics. Not only is the comic shop part of the festivities, but they also partner up with the other local businesses on the town square to give away comic books. It is almost like a scavenger hunt as you go from store to store. Even the town of Lawrenceville gets in on the act. The library was on hand as well as the mayor and other town luminaries, who were welcoming people and generally having a great time.
This year, instead of having the guests in the comic shop, we were placed outside, across the street next to the parking deck. I admit, this location did not thrill me as it was not near the comic shop and it was supposed to rain. Plus, my sinuses were not prepared for it, but that's really more my issue than the event.
I was set up next to some talented creators like Drew Geraci, Sean Taylor, Robert Jeffrey, Jason Flowers, Robert Pope, and John Pence. It was great chatting with them and seeing what cool new projects they have been working on.
I was scheduled to be there from 9 am - 1 pm and I had a few people stop by the table to look around. There were a few who seemed a bit upset that every comic in the place wasn't free, especially at the creator's tables. Thankfully, I got out before the rain arrived and everyone had to move to the comic shop.
I only took a handful of photos, but if you visit Galactic Quest's
facebook page, there are a lot of photos posted or you can search #GalacticQuest.
There was a minor blemish on the day that came a few hours into it when I was informed by Kyle, the owner of Galactic Quest, that there had been a complaint about the Domino Lady comics I co-wrote that I had on my table for a short time. In the story, Domino Lady teams up with two other characters to
stop a Nazi plot on American soil. This story is firmly set in the early days of World War II. Let me reiterate... the Nazis are the bad guys. The reason I have to reiterate that is because a woman complained to the store instead of saying anything to me because she saw a Swastika on the cover. Well, yeah. They're fighting Nazis, a fact that everyone who came by the table was told. I was not asked to remove them (he even mentioned that he has a cover int he display case of Captain America punching Hitler, which apparently wasn't objected to even though the same flag is on that cover), but I took them off the table anyway because I was quite angry and let my anger get the best of me. I'm not proud of it, but I did. The irony is, the only things I sold at the event were those Domino Lady comics. Who knows how many sales I cheated myself out of in anger.

To add injury to insult (I totally stole that from John Pence, by the way), after I packed up my books and supplies and was saying my goodbyes, I tripped over the curb and fell. Thankfully, the injuries were minor, a few cuts, scrapes, and bruises. I did throw out my back too, which was not pleasant, but will recover. Suffice to say, it wasn't my favorite FCBD event.
Thanks to Kyle for inviting me and to the attendees, well, maybe except one, for coming out to support comic books.
I think I'm going to take next year's Free Comic Book Day off and visit some comic shops as a fan. That should be fun.
Click Read More to see photos from the event.