Sunday, June 30, 2013


If all goes as planned (he says with a laugh) I plan to set up a store on this website this coming week where I can sell autographed copies of my books direct from me to you, the customer. I’m pretty excited by the prospect of doing this. 

More details when I have them.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Needless Things Podcast Episode 5: HeroesCon 2013

Bobby Nash, Phantom Troublemaker, and Mike Gordon at Heroes Con 2013
I attended Heroes Con a few weeks back and sat down with my Earth station One/Earth Station Who cohorts, Mike Gordon and The Phantom Troublemaker to record a segment about the con for Phantom’s Needless Things Podcast. You can listen to it here.

From The Phantom Troublemaker:
Hey Phantomaniacs!

Swing on over to and check out the newest episode of the Needless Things Podcast!

This time your ol’ pal Phantom Troublemaker is LIVE from HeroesCon 2013. I sat down for on-site interviews with Jennifer of Handmade Stuffs, Kyle Starks, Jamie Cosley, Hashim of Silver Panther Studios, and even ended up with a surprise interview with Jim Rugg.

After all of that I even sat down with ESO’s very own Award-Winning Bobby Nash and the King of Tiki himself, Mike Gordon for an overview of our time at the con.

Check out Needless Things Podcast Episode 5: HeroesCon 2013 here.

Podcasters unite! Earth Station Who meets Galifrey Pirate Radio


Not a bad day at the office. Sent off two pieces to their respective editors (neither one I can say much about as yet), updated websites, and added a bit more to my Fight Card novel, "Barefoot Bones." Here's a taste of today's work:

Not Actual Cover

“Are you familiar with boxing?” Father Tim asked me.

“Yes, sir,” I said without taking my eyes off the ring.

“But you’ve never seen an actual boxing ring?”

“No. The men back home did their boxing on the hardpack,” I said. “Dirt,” I added off his confused look. “They had a ring behind Mr. Jenkins’ barn.

A few of the other boys snickered, but Father Tim ignored them. “Well, you’re in luck then, Bones. This is one of the nicest square circles you’re likely to find outside of professional sports.”

“Square circle?”

He laughed. “Just an expression. I’m not sure who started it, but it’s a nickname of sorts.” He moved his fingers to draw an imaginary square in the air. “You see it’s square and we call it a ring, which are usually round. So it’s the square circle.”

It sounded silly to me, but I didn’t want to tell him that. “Makes sense,” I said instead.

Writing boxing scenes is tougher than you might think.

I need to do a few thousand words tomorrow to stay on track, but as it's 3:30 a.m. it's probably a good time to go to bed.

'night all.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Earth Station One Episode 168 – Our Favorite Robots

Androids, replicants, automatons, mechanical men…no matter what you call them, we do serve their kind on Earth Station One. Mike Faber, Mike Gordon, award-winning author Bobby Nash, Dr. Scott Viguié, and the Amy Adams-obsessed Grundy discuss the greatest robots in fiction and whether or not they’ll be a reality in our lifetime. Plus, we travel back to 1860′s New York to strap writer Jim Musgrave in the Geek Seat! All this and the usual Rants, Raves, Khan Report, and Shout Outs!

Join us for yet another episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: Our Favorite Robots at
Direct link:

Table of Contents
Twiki and Dr. Theopolis
0:00:00 Intro / Welcome
0:06:06 Rants and Raves
0:26:30 Interview & Geek Seat w/ Author Jim Musgrave
0:40:45 Our Favorite Robots
1:33:45 The ESO Khan Report
1:39:18 ESO Shout Outs
1:45:24 Show Close

Next on Earth Station One...

In Memoriam: Richard Matheson
The ESO Crew takes a journey into the magical worlds of author H.G. Wells. Join us as we look at the impact of Wells’ stories on pop culture as well as the movies based on these tales. Plus, H.G. Wells has become a fictional character as well, appearing in multiple movies and TV series. You get all this and the usual Rants, Raves, Khan Report, Geek Seat, and Shout Outs on the next Earth Station One.

We would love to hear from you. Tell us your favorite H.G. Wells novels, movies, and appearances at,, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. We would love to hear from you. Who knows, we might just read yours on the show.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Super-covergirl Camille Bishop
Pacesetter, The George Perez Magazine has released their 13th issue. If you’re a fan of artist George Perez this is the magazine for you. However, if you need a little more convincing, this issue features an article by our own Bobby Nash and sports a photo cover of George’s niece, Camille Bishop as Supergirl.

Bobby Nash and George Perez

PACESETTER: The George Perez #13 is now available!

After more than a year since the last issue of PACESETTER, the new issue #13 is now available. You get all that you have come to expect from PACESETTER-articles, rare and never-seen artwork, interviews, checklist, news and more...

In this issue you get excellent features by Bobby Nash and Jason Sacks along with interviews with Camille Bishop and David Anthony Kraft. This issue also has its most popular feature: the gallery section, which includes the first ten pages of the ultra rare Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band.
Perez con sketch

This magazine is a must for any George Perez fan or anyone that loves great artwork. Sixty pages, square bound, full color front and back cover and black and white interior.

You can order it at It's available in soft cover and hardcover edition.

If you prefer to order directly from the publisher, prices are as follows, and include shipping and handling. (These prices are only if ordering directly from the publisher, Tony Lorenz). Tony’s paypal account is

$10.95 each (Soft cover) US
$21.95 each (Hardcover) US
George and Camille

$12.95 each (Soft cover) Canada or Mexico
$22.95 each (Hardcover) Canada or Mexico

$15.95 each (Soft cover) International
$25.95 each (Hardcover) International

Tony is always looking for artwork and features for future issues. If you have an idea, please drop him a line at If your artwork or feature is used in PACESETTER, you will not only receive credit in the issue, but you will get a free comp copy. George receives every issue. PACESETTER's motto is "For Perez Fans, By Perez Fans." This magazine is only as good as the contributions, so get involved. You can contact Tony Lorenz at for more info on contributing or back issue availability information.

All back issues are being re-released in the larger hardcover format. So far, PACESETTER 1, 2, 4,7,11 and 12 are available in the larger hardcover format. You can order them from or directly from Tony.

A checklist of Pacesetter’s back issues is available here.


Coming Soon.
On occasion I get asked a question or two about writing, what I’m working on, marketing, etc. Thought I’d share a few I received this week and the answers I gave.

How do you deal with writer’s block or getting stuck for a story point?

I generally step away and do anything else, doesn't matter what as long as it's not writing. Take a walk, mow the lawn, clean the kitchen, or go for a drive. I find that once I stop focusing on trying to solve whatever story point has me stymied then my brain can start working on it at its own speed. That usually does the trick.

Sometimes working on a different story can help as well.

Now available.

How do you make a horrendously evil bad guy likeable?

For me, it all starts with character. Get to the know the character first, before the evil part. If you can find one thing to like about the character then you've created a hook for the audience to connect with that character. He can be a psychokiller, but perhaps he has a soft spot for children and helps children or charities. Give the character something that makes him or her human. Even the most vile villain doesn't think of themselves as the villain. What they're doing makes perfectly logical sense to them.


How do you deal with bad reviews?
Still available

Just ignore it (easier said than done, I know) and move on.

That's the easy answer, of course. You never want to argue with someone who gave you a bad review. That never ends well. If you decide to converse with the reviewer, tell him or her that you're sorry that the story wasn't to their liking then thank the person for taking the time to read your work and to write a review.


What are you currently working on?

Where to begin?
Coming soon

I'm working on a story for Fight Card called "Barefoot Bones." I hope to finish it this week.

At the same time I'm also working on several short stories for a project I signed on to do last week that I can't talk about yet.

I closed a deal for an audio project over the weekend, which I can't quite discuss yet either. I'll start on those in a week or so.

I also just made a deal today with a publisher for an ebook novella due in August. Sadly, can't really discuss details on this one either.

After that, I have a Honey West/Domino Lady novel on tap to write for Moonstone.
Sequels to both are in the works.

And then I get back to the Evil Intent novel and a few shorts on my schedule.

Suffice to say, it's been a weird last couple weeks with these offers coming in (which I'm proud to say came to me as offers). It's going to be a busy year, but I like it.

Coming 2014

Thanks to all who asked questions, I hope the answers were helpful.
Right now, it's time for me to get back to work. Deadlines loom.

I hope everyone is having a great week.


Saturday, June 22, 2013


Happy Saturday, Book Lovers.

I have news that will make you happy. Amazon is having a sale on books, including several of mine, some of them as much as 30% off the retail price. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to try one of my books or novels, now’s your best chance.

You can check out the full list of books and prices at my Amazon Author’s Page located at

And for my friends int he UK, visit

If you like what you find there, I also encourage you to leave a review as that helps make the books more visible in Amazon’s search criteria.

For more information on books featuring stories by me as well as my novels, please visit and You can also purchase books directly from my Amazon e-store in the tab above.

Thanks and happy reading.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Earth Station One Episode 167 – Man of Steel Movie Review

I wasn’t able to join the ESO crew this week for the Man of Steel review, but I did record a short review that was added tot he episode.

On this episode, the ESO crew goes up, up, and away to review the latest attempt to bring “The Big Red S” to the big movie screen. Mike Faber, Mike Gordon, and Jennifer Hartshorn are joined by Gary Mitchel (Revolution SF) and Andrew Leiter (Chameleon Chronicles) as they fire bulletpoints at the Man of Steel. We also find out Gary’s kryptonite as we strap him in The Geek Seat! Plus all the usual Rants, Raves, Khan Report, and Shout Outs!

Join us for yet another episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: Man of Steel Movie Review at
Direct link:

Table of Contents
0:00:00 Intro / Welcome
0:10:27 Rants and Raves
0:28:14 Interview & Geek Seat w/ Gary Mitchel
0:41:30 Kickstarter for Starmage take 2
0:46:03 The Man of Steel
1:43:29 The ESO Khan Report
1:51:06 ESO Shout Outs
1:57:04 Show Close

Next on Earth Station One...

Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto.

ESO heads into the station’s workshop to take a look at our favorite robots. Robots have been a staple of storytelling for as long as we can remember, but they go beyond fiction and exist in our own world.

We’d love to hear from you. What are your favorite robots? Let us know at,, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. We would love to hear from you. Who knows, we might just read yours on the show.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Bobby Nash and his books at Hypericon
Bobby's badge.
This past weekend I traveled to Nashville, Tennessee for the Hypericon convention. This was my first time at this show, which sported a literary heavy focus. The con was a little smaller than I was expecting, but the attendees were very much there to have a great time and they did so. The panels were a lot of fun. The standouts for me were Worst Opening Line Contest (I didn’t win - whew!), Narrative Illustration (telling a story with art, not words), and Talking Funny Books with Bobby Nash. I took a few photos as well. Click on the photos for a larger view.
Getting set up on Friday.

The guest list was very author-centric, which I enjoyed. My author neighbors in the dealer’s room where I had my table were Elizabeth Donald and Sara Harvey. Also in attendance was the Author Guest of Honor, Robin Hobb, Glenn Cook, and more. A fun time was had.

I would like to give a special thanks to my friends, Ben and Tracy Eller, the owners of World of Strange T-Shirts, for their hospitality in opening their home to me. I had a great time talking old school Marvel comics with Ben, which is always a fun topic. Plus, I got to see the World of Strange operation in action. I never knew exactly what went into printing those cool shirts. I also had fun hanging out with Aron and Adrienne Rice, who were also my neighbors in the dealer’s room as well. I had a blast hanging out with you guys. I’d also like to thank Brian Cooksey and Stephania Grimm for invititing me to the con. It was fun.

Elizabeth Donald
I was at the con on Friday and Saturday, having a family obligation on Sunday, which was Father’s Day. The ride up to Nashville from Atlanta on Thursday afternoon was a bit chaotic. A trip that usually takes four hours took me seven because of slow downs, accidents, police speed traps, bad storms, lengthy alternate routes, and Bonnarroo traffic all added to the travel time. Thankfully, the return trip wasn’t so bad.

If you like smaller, intimate cons where you can sit and talk with the attendees and guests without the pressures of a larger show, then I’d suggest giving Hypericon a shot. You can learn more about Hypericon here and here.
World of Strange's Tracy Eller
View of the Dealer's Room from my table.

Adrienne Rice

Aron Rice

Ben & Tracy and their World of Strange Shirts

Aron and Adrienne Rice and their booth

View of the Dealer's Room from my table.

Elizabeth Donald
Next: ACC July 7 Atlanta, GA
I’m home for the next few weeks, which will hopefully allow me to catch back up on my writing as I’ve fallen a bit behind.

My next scheduled appearance will be at the Atlanta Comic Convention on July 7, 2013 in Atlanta, GA, which is always a fun gathering. Learn more about ACC here and here.

I love attending cons and look forward to the next one.

See you there.


Sunday, June 16, 2013


That's right. Amazon is having a sale and many of Bobby Nash's books have been discounted. If you have been waiting for a sale to try one of Bobby's novels or shorter stories, now’s your chance.

Just head over to Bobby Nash's Amazon Author Page and check out the cool deals. 

For UK readers, please check out Bobby Nash's Amazon UK site.

Or you can follow the links in the Amazon e-store tab above.

Thanks and happy reading.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Look! Books!
This weekend, Bobby is on the road again, attending the Hypericon convention in Nashville, TN. "This is my first time at Hypericon," Nash said relating to the event. "I'm looking forward to getting to know some new people." Bobby will be set up with some of his books for sale and will also be participating in some panels, including:

10:00 PM - Talking Funny Books
Independent Comic Book Writer Bobby Nash talks about writing comics
Bobby Nash

10:00 AM - What is happening in the Marvel Verse?
Come get your updates on everything in the Marvel movie franchise and a bit about the comics as well.
Liz Hale, Joe Jordan, Bobby Nash, Ben Eller

4:00 PM - Narrative Illustration
In this panel, learn to tell a story with art, not words.
Melissa Gay, Todd Lyle, Bobby Nash

You can find the full list of panels at

If you're int he Nashville area, please stop by and say hi.


After Hypericon, his 5th con in 4 weeks, Bobby will then take a few weekends off from traveling to stay home and write before deadlines catch up to him.

His next convention appearance will be July 7th at the Atlanta Comic Convention in Atlanta, GA.
See a flyer for the event above. "ACC is always a fun time," said Bobby of the show. "It's always great to see everyone."

For more on Bobby Nash's convention appearances, please click the Appearances tab above.
Also, if you would like to book Bobby at your event, please contact


Issue #1

issue #2
I didn’t write this one, but I did work on issue #2, which should be out next month.
You should pick up issue 1 to see how the story begins and then join Nancy Holder and myself for issue #2 in July.

Look for it wherever your favorite comic books are sold.

DOMINO LADY/SHERLOCK HOLMES #1 (2 issue comic book series)
Join NY TIMES best-selling author Nancy Holder in this 2-part murder mystery set against the backdrop of ancient Egypt!

Domino Lady and Sherlock Holmes team up to solve the riddle of the Sphinx…ok, not really, but they do solve this riddle of passion, identity, and antiquity!

Domino Lady/Sherlock Holmes #1 comes with 2 covers.
Art: Reno Maniquis
Check out the standard cover here. $3.99
Check out the logo free variant cover here. $5.99

Issue#2 co-authored by Bobby Nash.
Coming July 2013.

Find it on Amazon as well.
And at Comixology.