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Go ahead. Ask me anything. |
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Okay, let's dive in, shall we?
Snowbound Six and HanSolo's Revenge are the earliest novels I remember reading and EncyclopediaBrown sparked my interest in detective/crime fiction. It was Spider-man who got
me into reading comic books and the Fantastic Four that kept me there.
Q: Of all the books you've ever read, which one influenced your writing the most and why?
WOW. Great question. Sadly, I don't think I have an answer that's as good as the question. Every book I've read has influenced me in one way or another (see my answer to the previous question) and I pick up things from all of them. I can't point back to any one book in particular though that stands out above the pack. I'll have to think on this one a bit. Such a cop out answer, I know.
I can and do write
both, but I always start with characters.
Q: Do you think comic books from
Marvel and DC Comics need to align their stories with the films and TV shows
to survive?
No. The comics and the movies/TV are different things. Sure, there should be some similarities. Captain America should be recognizable in both the movies, the comics, and the novels.
Q: Why do you write? What drive you to write?
I am constantly coming
up with stories in my head. I write to clear them out and make room for more to
grow there. I enjoy crafting tales and building a world of characters and
situations I created.
Q: What is a piece of terrible writing advice that
you don't follow?
Only write in one
Q: Are you ever really finished with
writing a book? Do you look back and think "Maybe I should have had this
character do that, or moved the plot that way instead of the way it went?"
Or, are you the kind of writer who is finished when you type "THE
END" ?
I can always find
something after a novel has been sent off that I wish I could change or would
have done differently. Once the publisher has the book, it's pretty much too
late to change anything though, especially to make major changes. I have had to
learn that when it's done, it's done and go on to the next project.
Q: How do you approach the
business side of writing?
I try to treat my
writing as a business. I think I have a lot left to learn in this aspect of the
business though. There are many non-writing bits that have to be done. Keeping
up with incoming and outgoing moneys, tracking progress on open projects, keeping
track of deadlines, following up on emails, phone calls, interview requests,
convention appearance requests, etc., marketing, PR, and trying to line up
future writing gigs are all things that take time out of the day. They aren't
technically writing, but are an important part of the writing business.
My writing goals are
based on deadlines and open projects. When I wrote full time, I set daily word
goals for myself. A little harder for me to do that these days.
Q: Why do you use this particular goal?
It's something that
works for me. At least it has been. I need to find a way that helps me
accomplish more.
gets the job done. I do think there's a better system because I always seem to
be behind the eight ball.
Q: The last video game
you played is the world you live in. What is it?
Q: As a creator, is it better to set
up at the big cons, the smaller cons, or both?
Q: We all work different jobs and have differing
views on how the world works. If you could share one thing from the work you do
that could benefit someone else, what would it be?
I meet a lot of people
from different walks of life at conventions, signings, and other appearances.
No matter how different, diverse, unique, or whatever buzzword we're using at
the moment, there is always one thing, at least one thing, that everyone has in
common. They're at that event. I think that is fantastic and gives me hope that
our geeky interests can be the foundation, the common ground, on which we grow
The Experts Say To start your story at the inciting event. Is this a piece of
advice you follow? Why/why not.
all depends on the story. I write a lot of stories and not all of them need to
start at an inciting incident. Every story/plot/character is different so you
can't use one blanket "you must do this" piece of advice out of hand.
Stories are not one size fits all and they shouldn't be.
Q: Do you tell people (aside from other writers)
that you're an author? What reaction do you get?
Yes I do, although I
usually refer to myself a writer more than I do an author. I am proud of my
job. The reaction I get is usually, "oh, that's cool!" followed by
either "but what's your real job?" or "I have an idea for a
Q: Do you, or have you ever, written in the first
person? Do you prefer it over third person narrative?
In comic book writing,
I use first person for narration all the time. For prose, I prefer 3rd person,
primarily because I like to follow multiple characters. I was tempted to write
Snow Falls and the upcoming Snow Storm in first person and even started that
way, but then decided to switch back to 3rd person.
Q: Imagine your book is being made into a major
motion picture. Who would play your main character?
I get this question a
lot so you would think I would be better prepared for it.
I've never really given it a lot of thought. I have, on occasion, saw an actor and thought, "Oh, Gil Gerard might be a good choice for Snow's dad in Snow Falls or Eliza Dushku might make a good Freelancer, but they're passing thoughts otherwise I fear I would start writing the character to for that actor and that would be a disservice to the characters, I think.
I've never really given it a lot of thought. I have, on occasion, saw an actor and thought, "Oh, Gil Gerard might be a good choice for Snow's dad in Snow Falls or Eliza Dushku might make a good Freelancer, but they're passing thoughts otherwise I fear I would start writing the character to for that actor and that would be a disservice to the characters, I think.
Q. How often do you
actually read? (Not wish you read, or would like to have readers think you
read, but actually, truly read.) How often do you read a book, as opposed to
smaller options like newspapers or magazines?
I read something every day. I don't get to read as much as I used to because if the responsibilities of being an adult and all that, but I read novels, comic books, and short stories on a fairly regular basis. I also read for work, but that uses a different part of the brain. I still enjoy getting lost in a good book.
Q. Where and how do you do most of your reading? Do you set aside time for a long read before bed, for example? Or do you snag the time available with an e-book while taking a kid to the dentist or on a break from a day job?
I read on my lunch
break, in the bathroom, or whenever I can snag some free time. I work it in
where I can.
Q. What percentage of
your reading is printed books? What percentage is using digital formats? Do
find having options like digital give you more opportunities to indulge in
Most of my reading for
pleasure is printed books. This is mainly because the bulk of my
reading/writing for work purposes is digital so even when I read an ebook for
fun, my brain slips into editor mode out of habit. I don't have a problem with
ebooks, but I prefer paper.
Q: What is the
most difficult part of writing for you?
The most difficult
part of writing for me is getting started. Not the start of the story, as that
part actually flows pretty easily. No, for me, the most difficult thing is
sitting down at the computer and starting to write. Once I'm in the flow, it's
all good, but getting there can be a challenge at times.
are the ones I get the most-- can you read my story? can you pass my story to
your publisher? what publisher should I submit my story to? and will you share
my kickstarter? Usually, these are from people I don't personally know so most
of the time my answer has to be no.
Q: On his Podcast, a writer called agents basically
useless for modern fully Indy authors. Thoughts?
It all depends on what
your goals are as a writer. If you want to be an indy author, then he's right.
An agent is not necessary. If you just want to write a novel, get it published
and out to the masses, then an agent is not as necessary. However, if your goal
is to work for
one of the Big 5 publishers then an agent is very necessary. If your goal is to write a star Trek novel, then an agent is very much necessary. It all depends on what works best for each writer. I always get a little irritated when I see these bold declarations made. What works for one writer might not work for another writer because we all have different goals so we have different paths to take to reach them.
one of the Big 5 publishers then an agent is very necessary. If your goal is to write a star Trek novel, then an agent is very much necessary. It all depends on what works best for each writer. I always get a little irritated when I see these bold declarations made. What works for one writer might not work for another writer because we all have different goals so we have different paths to take to reach them.
Q: Do you ever discover yourself deep in the
personality and psyche of one of your characters?
Sure. Sometimes I
recognize things that are totally me in my characters. Only once, did I
intentionally pattern a character's behavior patterns and attitudes on myself.
The rest have just sort of happened.
Q: Where do you
write? Is it a different place from where you do other things like paying
bills, marketing, social networking, online shopping, etc.?
I have a desk in my
office and have written at the library, book store, and in restaurants, but I
love to write outside on the porch when the weather's nice. Of course, living
in Georgia, that is a limited window between the pollen storms and the high
heat and humidity of summer. It is not uncommon to turn off the heat in the
morning and have the air conditioning running by noon on the same day around
Q: Do you have
slow writing doldrums and fast writing spurts in the course of writing the same
book? Do you try to smooth out the writing speed, or just roll with the muse?
Sure. It happens.
Usually, the first bit of a story flows out of me, but when I hit that middle
point, I start to slow down and get a wandering eye to other stories. If there's
no pressing deadline, I roll with it and then come back to the story refreshed.
If it is a tight deadline, you soldier on.
Q: What's your
favorite part of being a writer? The variety of things you can write? The
ability to tell stories that make people think, or smile, or wonder, or rage?
Or is it the simple pleasure of finishing a story and knowing it all came from
your imagination?
This is one of those
answers that may change from time to time because there are many things about
being a writer that I love. I get immense joy out of knowing that the stories
are out there, that they are being read and hopefully enjoyed. Writing them is
fun, but sending them out into the wild is an incredible feeling that's part
anxiousness, excitement, and dread.
Q: Have you ever
written a book so far out of your comfort zone that it still sits in a silent
file or drawer? A book in a genre or stylistic attempt you're unsure whether
you want anyone to know you wrote it?
I have attempted it
before, but I usually dip my toe into those waters with a short story.
Sometimes it works and I get to write a fun western story. Other times it doesn't and
I end up with a fantasy tale that falls flat and never gets published.
Why not? Nothing fits squarely into one genre so I don't force it. I like crime
thrillers so almost everything I write has a crime thriller element to it. A sci
fi crime thriller? Sure. Why not. A steampunk crime thriller? I'm intrigued. A
pulpy crime thriller? Oh, yeah. I'm already all over that.
Q: Who is your all-time favorite author, and what
have you learned from their writing?
It's hard to pick just
one, but I learn a lot about writing from reading other authors' work. Every
author is different and seeing how others handle certain types of actions helps
me learn and see what works and what doesn't.
Yes. I think I would.
Q: What do you
write between major projects? Blogs? Short stories? Articles? Plays?
Could be anything. I
write novels, short stories, comic books, blog posts, this column, reviews,
whatever. There's always plenty of writing to do as well as writing-related
work that has to be done as well.
Q: Let's talk about characters ... How much time
do you spend mentally developing a character before adding it to your book?
It varies. Some
characters I get to know faster than others so I play it by ear. Also, I learn
bits and pieces about characters in the writing process as well.
Q: How do you
find time to write when the real world takes over for a while?
Q: Do you address or
explore religion and/or spirituality in your writing?
Sometimes, although
I've not done so to this point as the main theme of any of my stories.
Spirituality does play a part in the lives of some of my characters though. It
helps shape that character. FBI Agent Harold Palmer in Evil Ways and the
upcoming Evil Intent is Christian. It is mentioned in the story, but I don't
beat the reader over the head with it. It does, however, help form the way
Agent Palmer handles certain situations.
Much like religion,
politics happens in terms of the characters and comes into play when necessary.
The one instance where politics was at the heart of the story was my novel,
Domino Lady "Money Shot". The publisher asked for a political
thriller so politics was very heavy in the foreground of that one. Politics do play a part in other stories, but sometimes to a lesser degree. I have created a fictional president who has appeared in Freelancer, Evil Ways, and the in progress Bloodshot novel. I also have an idea for another novel after where he would appear. I need more time to write.
Q: Are you
worried about cannon burnout? Will all these slated Superhero projects
have a negative effect on what you do as a book author?
Not at all. The fact
of the matter is that the movies don't seem to have much of an impact on book
sales one way or the other, at least not to a noticeable degree. Sales on
Superman or Batman will probably not rise or fall because of the movie. I
suspect the same will hold true for Captain America. Fans who like to read super
hero fiction will continue to read super hero fiction as long as it entertains
Domino Lady (who I actually did meet once, at the first Pulp Ark convention, but can't find the photo - grrr...) or Captain
America. I also met Lance Star: Sky Ranger once at Dragon Con.
Q: Do you read the
same genres you write?
Yes. I write and read
what I enjoy. Sometimes, I won't read a police thriller if I'm in the middle of
writing one so I don't unconsciously swipe something.
Ooh, good question.
Following my characters always takes me someplace interesting. Following the
killer in Evil Ways took me down some dark paths that really made the character
much more evil than I had originally intended, but it made the character
stronger and the novel better. In my story in the Nightbeat: Night Stories
anthology/audio, I followed one character who started out as a good guy and
that character ended up being the villain of the piece by the end of the story.
Luckily, it all made sense and worked.
It's amazing where those pesky characters can take you, isn't it?
It's amazing where those pesky characters can take you, isn't it?
Q: What were you like at school?
I was socially awkward and shy for
the most part. I got good grades and my nose was usually “stuck in a book” or I
was writing or drawing so I heard terms like “nerd” and “geek” often.
Unfortunately, this was back when it was not considered cool to be either of
those things.
Q: Were you good at English [in school]?
More or less, but sometimes good
English skills and creative writing don’t match up.
One of my goals is to hit the New
York Times Best Seller list. I’d also love to make a living as a
writer. Both are goals I strive toward, but they are not my only goals.
Q: When did you decide to become a
About two minutes after the
realization set in that I would never make it as a comic book artist.
Q: Do you write on a typewriter,
computer, dictate or longhand?
Q: For your own reading, do you
prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?
I prefer hardbacks and paperbacks,
but I don’t mind ebooks on occasion.
I just started reading The Demands,
the first novel by my buddy, Drew Geraci. Comic fans might recognize Drew as an
inker of many titles over the years. The Demands is his first novel and I’m
really enjoying it so far. As of when I typed this, I’m about 40 pages into it. you should check it out.
Q: What are you working on at the
I’m putting the finishing touches on
a story for Moonstone’s upcoming Domino Lady anthology. In my story, Domino
Lady teams up with the Woman in Red to catch a killer.
And I think that is a good place to stop for this round of Sometimes I Get Asked Stuff… Do you have any questions you’d like me to answer? Post them here as a comment or send them along to
bobby@bobbynash.com and I’ll answer them in a future installment of Sometimes I Get Asked Stuff...
Also, please sign up for my mailing list. Drop me an email at bobby@bobbynash.com and I'll happily add you to the list. If you’d like to check out my work, you can find my books at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, Smashwords, and more. To all those who have picked up books and/or left reviews, a big THANK YOU! You are all wonderful and I appreciate each and
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The... (what's my line?) |
Let’s do it again soon.
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