Sunday, November 16, 2014


On November 21 and 22, come out and meet Team Ghost Gal as author Bobby Nash and the Ghost Gal herself, Alexandra Holzer, appear together for the first time at The Chicago Ghost Conference in Chicago, Illinois, 'natch.

We hope you'll join us for a fun weekend and we will have a small number of Ghost Gal novels on hand to sell. This is your first, and currently only, chance to get a copy of Alexandra Holzer's Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt signed by both Bobby and Alexandra.

We hope to see you there.

Team Ghost Gal

For those who can't make it to The Chicago Ghost Conference, you can still get your copy of Alexandra Holzer's Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt at the following retailers:
Amazon US (paperback)               Amazon CA (paperback)
Amazon UK (paperback)              Amazon IT (paperback)
Amazon DE (paperback)               Amazon FR (paperback)
Amazon ES (paperback)               Barnes and Noble (paperback)
CreateSpace (paperback)             BookAdda India (paperback)
Bookwire (paperback)                  Books-A-Million (paperback)
Amazon (Kindle) ebook                Amazon CA (Kindle) ebook
Amazon UK (Kindle) ebook         Amazon IT (Kindle) ebook
Amazon DE (Kindle) ebook          Amazon FR (Kindle) ebook
Amazon ES (Kindle) ebook          Barnes and Noble (Nook) ebook
iTunes (ebook)                             Scribd (ebook)
Payhip (ebook)                            And more.

You can also find Alexandra Holzer's Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt novel in audio format here.

Includes a forward by Ghostbusters' Ernie Hudson.

Alexandra Holzer's Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt by Bobby Nash is the first book in a series of new horror/adventures novels from Raven's Head Press

Coming in 2015-- Alexandra Holzer’s Ghost Gal: A Haunting We Will Go… by Bobby Nash.

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