Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Join me at the River City Comic Expo on June 11th - 12th in Little Rock, Arkansas. There are some great guests attending and a good time will be had by all.

This is also the only con where the Operation: Silver Moon team of Bobby Nash & Rick Johnson will be appearing together so don't miss your opportunity to meet us both and get your book signed. I also understand that Rick will have original art from the book for sale as well.

If that wasn't enough, this is also the only con where Bobby Nash and Rob Davis will appear together this year. Not only is Rob the art director for Airship 27 Productions, but he handled artwork on anthologies featuring my work, including Secret Agent X Vol. 4 and Lance Star: Sky Ranger vol. 2. 

Tommy Hancock will also be on hand. He has edited and/or published several stories of mine over the years. This is also our only joint appearance scheduled for this year.

I hope to see you at the con.


Click Read More to see my full panel schedule.

River City Comic Expo on June 11 - 12, 2016 in Little Rock, AR.

Bobby's River City Comic Expo Pulp Ark Panel Schedule:

Saturday, June 11, 2016
11:00 AM-12:00 PM: PULP ARK MEET AND GREET-This is a drop in Panel for both Pulp Ark Guests and Fans, very informal, chance to stick your head in, see what great Guests Pulp Ark is bringing to River City and have a few personal, casual minutes with actors, writers, and more!

12:00 PM-1:00 PM: The Five Ws of PULP? (Mostly What it is!) Aubrey Stephens, Tommy Hancock, Bobby Nash, Phillip Drayer Duncan, David White-Pulp Fiction- Learn the history of one of the most influential mediums in pop culture and how magazines of the 1930s and 40s have led to an exciting new style of writing that is all over the place today. From the origins of science fiction to brand new heroes today in all sorts of books, comics, anime, movies, television series, and more, find out how Pulp has gone from being a type of Fiction to a Culture all its own.

3:00 PM-4:00 PM: PULP ARK NEW PULP AWARDS CEREMONY– Join the Best in New Pulp and Genre Fiction and Emcee Santiago Cirilo as the winners of the 2016 Pulp Ark New Pulp Awards are recognized!

Sunday, June 12, 2016
12:00 PM-1:00 PM: GHOST IN THE GENRE-Paranormal Fiction Larry Flaxman, Alexander S. Brown, Santiago Cirilo, Bobby Nash, Brad Carter-The term ‘Paranormal’ covers a wide spectrum, it’s not just about ghosts anymore. Learn the basics and ins and outs of Paranormal Fiction, what’s hot now and what’s not anymore, from top names in the field.

4:00 PM- 5:00 PM: GENRE FICTION TOP FIVES! ALL PULP ARK AUTHORS WHO WISH TO BE ON THIS PANEL! Join some of Genre Fiction’s best as they share their top five favorites in multiple categories! Favorite action character, favorite author, favorite monster, and more! Listen to who and what the authors you love to read like and find out why! If I'm not swamped at my table, I'll be on this panel as well.

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