Sunday, October 29, 2023


I had a great day at Monsterama's Sinbad and the Eye of the Monsterama convention. I was only able to attend today, but packed in a full weekend's worth in that day. I did 4 panels.

Doug Murray, Michael Gordon, & I talked Writing for Comics.
Kyle Mitchell, Aubrey Spivey, Anthony Liggins, & I performed a sorta-kinda-semi-dramatic reading of R.L. Stine's GI Joe Find Your Fate adventure: Serpentor and the Mummy Warrior.
Gord Shriver, Kyle Mitchell, Michael Gordon, & I looked at some of our favorite Post-Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories.
Michael Gordon & I ended the day talking about our favorite monster team-ups.

I saw so many cool folk and friends that there's no way to fit them all. Thanks to Tonya Dorsey & Dm Holley for taking some photos of the panels. I also got to meet Nicholas Meyer, which was cool. I love his work.

I'm looking forward to returning next year. A great con.


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