Tuesday, September 29, 2020



I had an amazing time recording an upcoming Hot Off The Press video for Con-Tinual: The Con That Never Ends tonight with some amazing writers as we talked about our new releases, the landscape of publishing, our "normal" writing process, and how to handle it when your characters stop listening to you. Jason Tongier hosted me, Jeanne Adams, and Alma Alexander while James P. Nettles handled the techy bits. I'll share the link when it goes live to the ContTinual Youtube Channel in a couple of weeks at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCfpcIrCCkb2bmb_OswEWKw

I got to talk a bit about In The Wind - A Tom Myers Mystery, Suicide Bomb, Hunter Houston: Horror Hunter, Evil Ways, Deadly Games!, and SNOW. You can learn all about these books at www.bobbynash.com and www.ben-books.com


#Hotoffthepress #ConTinual #newreleases #BENBooks #TheSummerofSnow #SnowDay

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