Thursday, August 27, 2020



I finished up a #SheHulk commission this week. Once I got it packed up, I did my usual doodle on the outside before getting it in the mail tomorrow.Want a commission of your very own? You can order a commission of your very own at my store

I couldn't send out a commission without a little envelope art, now could I? The Mighty #Thor reminds you not to bend or fold this package.

I also mailed off an autographed book from my on-line store so that meant another new installment of envelope art. #Nightveil reminds you not to bend or fold this package.

Want your own envelope art? All you have to do is purchase a book, Bobby's Big Box 'O Books promotion, or a commission and I will doodle on your package. Check out past art at in the Art/Sketches/Commissions tab above. Please visit my store HERE.


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