Friday, July 24, 2020

Thanks for joining our virtual panel tonight!

Thanks to all who joined us at the Hoover Public Library, Hoover, Alabama's Virtual SciFi/Fantasy Fest tonight for our panel: I've Written Something, Now What? Exploring Your Path to Publication. I had a great time with authors Ingrid Seymour, Patricia Correll, and Jared Millet as we talked about our path to publication and offered up tips for possible paths for the audience. Oh, and we talked about marketing and goals. Both are very important.

We also had some unexpected gremlins that popped up int he middle of the panel, but they were quickly banished to the muted waiting room.

Keep watching for more panels on Saturday and when the video panels are archived.

I'll be back tomorrow morning for my next panel.
10:00 am: Internet Resources for Writers
1:00 pm: How to Write a Comic Book Script
2:30 pm: Why So Serious? Pulp vs. Literature in Genre Fiction
4:00 pm: Writers Groups

Check out our 2020 program at HERE, complete with links to panels! You can also grab a PDF version HERE with links as well!


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