Thursday, June 18, 2020


In #TheSummerofSnow it's always a #SnowDay!
Enjoy this excerpt from SNOW FALLS by Bobby Nash

Abraham Snow knew he was about to die--

--and the thought of it pissed him off to no end.

Everything had been going according to plan.

Before it all went to hell, everything was moving forward as laid out. The meet was set. All of the details had been checked and rechecked. Every i had been dotted, every t crossed. It had taken him years to get this far inside, but he was finally getting a face to face with Miguel Ortega. The man was a ghost, a legend. Ortega was a phantom that law enforcement operatives all over the world had been chasing for decades. No one had even come close to catching the elusive Miguel Ortega despite the fact that he was rumored to have his hands in everything from the drug trade to arms dealings and human trafficking to murder for hire. There was a good reason for this, however, and Agent Snow was one of a select few people alive that knew the truth.

Miguel Ortega was an alias.

It was a code name frequently used by less than reputable men and women who preferred to remain anonymous while keeping their questionable business dealings close to the vest. This alias provided the Ortega’s of the world with a sense of security. Snow had finally made it past the middlemen and low-level goons inside the organization belonging to the Miguel Ortega he was after.

That’s how Abraham Snow, in his alias as James Shepperd, found himself standing on the blisteringly hot tarmac of a tiny smuggler’s airfield in the middle of a South American jungle in a suit, sans tie, standing next to a beautiful woman named Daniella Cordoza. She was Ortega’s right hand and was as dangerous as she was alluring in her formfitting custom dress.
They both stood out of place against the jungle backdrop.
Snow didn’t trust her, but he needed Cordoza to get to her employer.

One minute everything was going according to plan.

The next-- well, the next minute was not so good. Time moved as though it was trapped in amber. The man in the white suit was all smiles as they walked to meet one another across the airstrip’s tarmac. Snow was finally getting his face to face. It was the first step in the final chapter of his undercover operation.

“Agent Snow.” the man said once he was within earshot.

It took half a second to realize what he had said. Snow did a double take. Ortega had called him by his real name,

Abraham Snow, not the James Shepperd alias he had been working under the past eighteen months. How the hell does he know my name?

“I think you’ve got me mixed up with someone else, Mr. Ortega. My name is…” Snow started, but it was no use. He could tell by the man’s demeanor that there would be no fast-talking his way out of this one.

His cover was blown.

Somehow, someway, someone had sold him out. The list of possible rats was small. Only a handful of people knew his true identity and most of them he had known and trusted for years. His mind raced through the possible scenarios-- a leak inside the Pentagon or the CIA, a compromised asset, or a mistake he’d made himself, a slip up that had given him away. Each of these played across his mind in less time than it took to realize how deep in the shit he was at that moment.

He was all alone.

There was no backup close by, no one to swoop in and save the day.

Snow reached for the gun tucked into his belt behind his back.

Ortega moved faster.

Still smiling, he pulled the Glock-30 from a shoulder holster and squeezed the trigger.

Snow felt the first impact, but it wasn’t until the second that he realized he had been shot. The next thing he knew, he was knocked off his feet, flying backward through the air. Snow dropped to the asphalt, unmoving, blood leaking out of two very large holes in his body. A tingling sensation in his extremities told him that the blood loss was substantial.
Despite the humid clime, he felt a chill run through him.

He was dying.

Ortega had only fired three shots. The first clipped Agent Snow’s arm, spinning him around. The second missed completely. The third hit its mark, center mass.

Snow stared up into a brilliant blue sky punctuated with a few fluffy white clouds as blood pooled beneath him. Above him, Ortega and his companion stood and looked down at him. He was smiling, but she wasn’t. That surprised him. Although they had been intimate with one another, neither of them had pretended it was anything more than a physical convenience. For him, she had simply been another asset to get him closer to his target.

Mission accomplished.

He had found Ortega.

Surprisingly, he didn’t finish the job. After a moment, Miguel Ortega shook his head, turned and walked away, out of Snow’s line of sight, presumably back to his plane. Daniella Cordoza stayed a moment longer and he thought he saw sadness in her eyes, although he couldn’t be sure of anything as he lay there gasping for air.

And then she was gone.

He assumed she had a plane to catch.

Snow’s vision grayed around the edges as he struggled to catch his breath. Then, surprisingly, followed the sensation of flight, as if gravity no longer held sway over him. Trees and clouds flashed past his vision at dizzying speeds until gravity reasserted itself and he crashed back to Earth.

And just like that it was all over.

All that remained was darkness--

--and pain.

To be continued in SNOW FALLS!

Learn more about the SNOW series at
Written by Bobby Nash.
Published by BEN Books.

The SNOW series is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Lulu, Books-A-Million, Audible, and more. SNOW is available in selected hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audio. You can read SNOW’s adventures for FREE if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber.

It all starts with Snow Falls and continues in Snow Storm, Snow Drive, Snow Trapped, Snow Star, and Paul Bishop Presents: Disorderly Conduct featuring Snow Flies. Snow Series 1, Vol. 1. collects the first 3 stories in one volume. Abraham Snow returns in 2020 with Snow Down, and Snow Series 1, Vol. 2 (collecting books 4 - 6 in a single volume), and more on the horizon. Keep watching for more details.

Paul Bishop Presents: Disorderly Conduct (featuring Snow Flies)
SNOW Series 1, Vol. 1

Check out SNOW's audio adventures on Audible!
Snow Falls
Snow Storm
Snow Drive
Snow Trapped
SNOW Series 1, Vol. 1

Snow Star audio coming soon.
Written by Bobby Nash
Narrated by Stuart Gauffi

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