Wednesday, April 22, 2020


A big thank you to Fem Fan1 and riethmeier for their kind words on my YouTube video of me reading the first chapter of the 2020 Pulp Factory Award Winning Best Pulp Novel, Nightveil: Crisis at the Crossroads of Infinity. Thanks, guys. It means a lot. You can watch the video HERE!

Fem Fan 1 said: "As a fan of Nightveil, the Femforce, and AC Comics I want to thank you for doing such a wonderful job with your novelization of the character. It was a thrill to read her adventure you created! The eye of Azagoth looks on approvingly :-)"

riethmeier said: "You got my vote."

Thanks again, gents.

Also, big thanks to Todd, who I met at last year's Dragon Con, for his wonderful write up and review of my novel, Nightveil: Crisis At The Crossroads Of Infinity on the Reading Is Fun, Not Mental blog. You can read the full review HERE!

Thanks again, Todd. I'm glad you liked it.

Learn more about Nightveil: Crisis at the Crossroads of Infinity HERE!


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