Friday, December 6, 2019


WE LOVE READER REVIEWS! Big Thanks to Dale Russell for his kind words and 5-STAR review of my novel, NIGHTVEIL: CRISIS AT THE CROSSROADS OF INFINITY from Pro Se Productions on GoodReads.

Says Dale: "Laura Wright really only wanted to enjoy a nice peaceful day at the beach. No worries... No fighting world threatening supervillains... just a few minutes of time to herself. Unfortunately, life finds a way and soon Laura is in the fight of her life...a fight that will take her to confront the most powerful opponent she has ever faced...Herself!!!

Writer Bobby Nash dives into the world of superheroes and villains and their universe threatening (in this case MULTI-UNIVERSE threatening) battles. Bobby first discovered the character of Nightveil in the 1980s while still in high school and immediately fell in love with her. As he developed into the author that he is today, he always wanted to be able to translate that love into a published adventure. Unfortunately, the opportunity never presented itself until PRO SE Publications brought in several authors and announced that they were going to be publishing a series of novels based on the characters in the AC Comics universe. Nash immediately "called dibs" as he states, and the rest is history.

In this, Bobby's love and passion for the character comes through as he spins a story that reads as if it were straight out of the pages of his favorite comics.

This is a stand alone novel, and, while having read and enjoyed the many comic adventures about the Nightveil character will add color and depth to your understanding of the hero, this book stands on its own and can be enjoyed by any reader new to Laura Wright and her costumed persona."

You can also read the full review HERE.

Have questions about Nightveil or this novel? GoodReads has a leave a question section at the link. I'd be thrilled to answer your questions.

About Nightveil: Crisis at the Crossroads of Infinity: At the edge of infinity, chaos reigns. A powerful enemy seeks to destroy the barrier that guards the Crossroads of Infinity, the mystical vortex at the center of the multiverse. One hero continues to thwart this sinister scheme time and time again, the mystical maid of might known as Nightveil. Undeterred, the villain is determined to complete her task, even if she has to kill the Nightveil of every single divergent dimension to do it. Get ready for a crisis that could bring about the end of not only Nightveil, but the multiverse as we know it in award winning author Bobby Nash's 'NIGHTVEIL: CRISIS AT THE CROSSROADS OF INFINITY, featuring characters created by and licensed from AC Comics.

Featuring an excellent cover by AC Comics’ own legendary Bill Black, and print formatting and cover design by Antonino Lo Iacono and Marzia Marina, NIGHTVEIL: CRISIS AT THE CROSSROADS OF INFINITY is available in print and ebook. You can also read it FREE with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
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Thanks again, Dale. I'm glad you liked it. I had a blast writing Nightveil. Hopefully, I can do it again.


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