Sunday, October 6, 2019


I was able to spend some time at the writing desk yesterday and today and accomplished quite a bit. The Sciatica pain has subsided a good deal, mostly bothering me when I walk. I can only go a small distance before it cramps up and hurts, but once I sit down a few minutes, it relaxes. The upside to that is I can get up and move around, and more importantly, get back to work. I also purchased a special sciatic cushion for the chair that makes a world of difference. My brother kindly loaned me his nice, comfortable desk chair to use for the time being. I really need to scrounge some money together and hit the office surplus store and find a new office chair.

Tomorrow, I'll be on the road with my dad for a bit. Hopefully, this trip will go better than our last as that was when the Sciatica flared up. Hopefully, this trip will be more pleasant.

Sweet dreams.

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