Thursday, August 29, 2019


Another #SixForSix for the #WritingCommnunity

6 questions, tag six authors, have fun. I’m skipping the tagging others part, but I you want to participate, feel free to jump in and tag anyone you’d like. #writerlife #writer

1. Biggest lies you’ve ever heard regarding writing?

All published authors are wealthy. That’s a lie, a lie, a big, fat lie.

2. Published, or will publish 1st book on?

My first novel, EVIL WAYS was published in August of 2005.

3. On average, how many books to you read a year?

25 or 30, I guess. I’ve slowed down a bit as work has picked up. That doesn’t include reading my stuff for edits.

4. Farthest living fan?

Australia. That’s over 10,000 miles away. The farthest traveled book came from Yorkshire all the way to Atlanta, Georgia to get it signed.

5. Longest writing session you ever had?

I woke up one Saturday morning at 6 a.m. and started writing. When I stopped to take a break, it was night. I was really in the zone that day.

6. Some great advice you’ve gotten?

No one is going to love your book as much as you. Therefore, no one will promote the book better than you.

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