Monday, June 17, 2019

Sunday Writing...

Today has been a full, busy day and spent the afternoon and evening working. Edits are almost finished on the Deadly Games! audio book (I think you'll all be happy with it) and I added some words to the Snow short story I'm working on (more on that later). I also worked on the 2nd round of edits on Hunter Houston: Horror Hunter Book 1 (more on him later too).

All in all, today was quite busy despite the pain from my wrenched back (ouch!), which has made walking rather uncomfortable today. I was supposed to do an extra gig tomorrow, but had to cancel due to the back. A bummer too. It looked to be a fun scene. They were going to pay me to watch a concert by a national act. Ah, well.I will stay home and get some writing down and see if I can get the back and legs back on speaking terms. :) 

I hope you all had a great weekend.


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