Monday, October 15, 2018


A Suicide Bomb tease.
Another busy day. Got off to a slow start since I slept in today, which was rather nice after a full day yesterday on the go. It's been a hectic week, last week. We buried a relative and received bad news on another health-wise, which has slowed things down a bit, but I am working to get back on track (I never seem to be able to stay on that track, do I?). I added over 1,000 words to a novella that's almost done and I got the next chapter of my serialized novel, SUICIDE BOMB uploaded and ready for Patreon on Tuesday. If you want to join the Suicide Bomb reader army, join us at There are multiple tier options available. Now, I think it's time to watch a little TV to wind down then call it a night. Sweet dreams. #amwriting


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