Wednesday, August 6, 2014


There’s a new Marvel Studios movie in theaters that everyone’s talking about, including us! Mike Faber, Mike Gordon, the award-winning Bobby Nash, Alex Autrey, and Ashley Bergner head off to Knowhere jamming to volume 1 of the Awesome Mix to find out what all the fuss is all about these intergalactic misfits. We also find out if Broken Bloodline writer Cam Crowder has the pedigree to survive The Geek Seat. Plus, the usual Rants, Raves, Khan Report, and Shout Outs!

Join us for yet another episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: Guardians of The Galaxy Movie Review at
Direct link:

Table of Contents
0:00:00 Intro / Welcome
0:04:12 Rants & Raves
0:22:22 Cam Crowder (Author) Interview & Geek Seat
0:34:57 Guardians of the Galaxy
1:31:37 Doctor Geek’s Moment of Science
1:33:21 ESO Khan Report
1:44:03 ESO Shout Outs & Show Close

I admit, this made me laugh. It's just too darn cute.

Next on Earth Station One...

Next week, theorizing that they could time travel within their own lifetime, the ESO crew steps into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanish. They awake to find themselves trapped in the past, watching a hit television series from the 1980’s and 90’s. Their companions on this journey are a motley assortment of Rants and Raves, Doctor Geek’s Moment of Science, shout outs, The Khan Report, and the unsuspecting victim in The Geek Seat who only ESO can see and hear. And so, ESO keeps leaping from station to station, podcasting right what once podcasted wrong, and hoping each time that the next leap… will be the leap home.

Quantum Leap fans, ESO would love to hear from you. What’s your favorite Quantum Leap memory or episode? Let us know at, 404-963-9057,, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Pinterest. Who knows, we might just share yours on the show.

Download ESO Episode 226 mp3 here.

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