Thursday, May 1, 2014


Cover Art: Mike Fyles

A new anthology title featuring one of my stories is now available. The New Adventures of Major Lacy and Amusement, Inc. is part of Pro Se ProductionsPulp Obscura line. Pulp Obscura brings those lesser-known pulp characters from yesteryear into new and exciting adventures.

My story in The New Adventures of Major Lacy and Amusement, Inc. is called “House of Revenge” and it kicks off this collection of stories by noted pulp scribes Jim Beard, David White, Andrew Salmon, R. P. Steeves, Don Thomas, and Bobby Nash. Cover art is by Mike Fyles.

You can read some of my non-spoilery thoughts about this book and my story in it here.

Need help? Hire Amusement, Inc.
Happy Reading.



Official Press Release:

Back cover. I'm sorry
for the small scan.

An independent publisher of cutting edge Genre Fiction, Pro Se Productions announces the debut of the latest volume in one of its most popular imprints. In 2012, Pro Se, in conjunction with Altus Press, a renowned publisher of quality reprints of classic Pulps as well as New Pulp, began Pulp Obscura, a line of anthologies and books that featured classic, often forgotten pulp characters in new tales by today’s best writers. And the most recent volume has also been one of the most anticipated of the imprint- THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MAJOR LACY AND AMUSEMENT, INC.!

“Pulp Obscura,” says Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of and Partner in Pro Se
Productions, “has definitely been a feather in Pro Se’s cap. While Altus publishes the original adventures of these obscure pulp –hence the imprint’s name-characters featured in the line, Pro Se has endeavored to breathe new life into heroes that once peopled the newsstands of the early 20th Century. A rather ambitious project from the start in intent and scope, it has taken some of the originally planned volumes longer than expected to come together in just the right way. But I am proud to say that the wait has been well worth it with THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MAJOR LACY AND AMUSEMENT, INC.”

Major John Tatersall Lacy, known to his mysterious benefactors as Mr. Sunday, returns in new adventures leading an amazing fighting force, Amusement, Inc. in a war against the Underworld.

Created by Theodore A. Tinsley, Amusement, Inc. is a group of former Marines who bring their considerable talents and military tactics to bear in a new battle-- the war on crime. The group is funded by six mysterious men who make up the Emergency Council to Combat Crime
and keep their identities hidden behind codenames based on the days of the week. Taking the codename Mr. Sunday, Major Lacy leads Amusement, Inc. in the field and is assisted by three trusted aides. Together they lead their small army in an ongoing mission- to bring the battle for the law and justice to those who rule the Underworld and WIN!

“This volume,” says Hancock, “presented us with a rather unique opportunity. The original series of stories ended on a sort of cliffhanger and the first volume in THE NEW ADVENTURES, penned by award winning author Bobby Nash, picks up literally where the final classic story left off. And Amusement, Inc. definitely continues to have all the action and adventure Pulp fans enjoy in all the stories that follow.”

From out of the Past comes new tales of one of Pulp's Greatest Citizen Soldiers written by Bobby Nash, Jim Beard, R. P. Steeves, David White, Andrew Salmon, and Don Thomas. Featuring stunning artwork by Mike Fyles, THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MAJOR LACY AND AMUSEMENT, INC.! is available on Amazon and at Pro Se’s own store here for $12.00 in a print edition formatted and designed by Sean Ali.

This latest Pulp Obscura volume is also available as an ebook designed and formatted by Russ Anderson for $2.99 via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.


Also, thrill to the original adventures of Major Lacy and Amusement, Inc. with the beautifully designed reprint volume available from Altus Press in both digital and print editions. Find it here.

For interviews with the authors or more information on this title, contact Morgan Minor, Pro Se’s Director of Corporate Operations, at

For more information on Pro Se Productions, go to
Like Pro Se on Facebook.

THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MAJOR LACY AND AMUSEMENT, INC. can be purchased at the following:
Pro Se Press Store (paperback)
Amazon US (paperback)
Amazon UK (paperback)
Barnes and Noble (paperback)
Amazon US (Kindle)
Smashwords (multiple ebook formats)
Amazon CA (Kindle)
Amazon UK (Kindle)
Or wherever your favorite books are sold.

In conjunction with Pulp Obscura, Altus Press has available The Crimes of the Scarlet Ace: The Complete Stories of Major Lacy and Amusement, Inc. which reprints the original Major Lacy and Amusement Inc. stories.

You can find it in paperback here, on Kindle here, on Nook here, or buy direct from the publisher here.

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