Sunday, March 9, 2014


Happy Saturday!

Okay, I know it's technically Sunday morning already, but Happy Sunday doesn't sound as exciting.
Here's a round up of announcements and assorted odds 'n ends I wanted to share.

The Ghost Gal novel has been completed and sent off to the publisher for editing. Whew. I've had a lot of fun with this novel. It's a nice mix of young adult, horror, and pulpy action. I'm excited to get it out there for everyone to read.

As much fun as it was, there's nothing as exciting as typing every writer's two favorite words: The End. :)

Sometime soon I'll have to start working on the plot for a second Ghost Gal novel. That should be fun. I am enjoying the characters.

My editor released the teaser image above today.

Jamie Chase and Bobby Nash are "digging" deep into Edgar Rice Burroughs' AT THE EARTH'S CORE. Coming your way from Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse Comics.

Now that Ghost Gal is finished, I will be devoting the next several days to finishing up the At The Earth's Core script. We also looked over the cover art and trade dress today. It's good looking stuff. Will share more when I can, but it's still hush hush for now.

And then it's back to Honey West/Domino Lady for Moonstone, which I let lag to catch up on other projects. After that is a newly acquired graphic novel project I can't say much about yet as well as some shorts for another publisher.

Oh, and I was approached by a publisher I've worked with before about a new project earlier tonight. Nothing I can talk about as yet, but it sounds like it could be fun. I had a similar offer from another publisher I've worked with before last week as well. It looks like 2014 continues to be a busy one. I just have to remember to schedule a week off for vacation.

I was giving Snow Falls some love on social media earlier today so i thought I would share it here too.
Looking for an action-packed read this week? Check out Snow Falls, the first Abraham Snow adventure by Bobby Nash. Now available as an ebook at Bookxy. This is another one where I will need to start thinking up the story for book #2 soon.

New/restocked for conventions
Next weekend, I'll be at the Middle Georgia Comicon. I was able to restock some books for the con. This will also be the first show where I have copies of IDW's Zombies Vs. Robots: No Man's Land on hand.

I'm sure there's more I should be talking about, but I'm tired and ready to call it a night.

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight. We're losing an hour, which sucks. I'm on deadline. I need that darn hour.  :)

Sweet dreams.


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