Saturday, March 22, 2014


It's been an interesting day.

I went on a job interview today. It's been a little over a year since my last full time day job. I love writing full time, but sadly, it just doesn't make me enough to live on at this time. Maybe one day. I have no plans to give up writing. I'll just have to do it on nights and weekends. I think the interview went well. Will hopefully hear something from them next week.

I just saw the cover art for one of my upcoming novels, Domino Lady "Money Shot" for Moonstone Books. The cover is absolutely gorgeous and painted by the amazing Douglas Klauba and I think you'll be blown away by it as well. Sadly, I can't share it here yet. Sorry to be so vague, but can't show anything off until the publisher does.

Keep watching this space for more details when I have them.

I received edits back on Ghost Gal today along with some kind words from the publisher, Raven's Head Press, which made my day. Look for that novel coming soon. I'll be reading it over and doing corrections this week.

I received a nice review on Amazon for my novel, Earthstrike Agenda. It's always nice to get reviews. If you've read and enjoyed a book, please take a moment to leave a review. It helps move the book up in the ranks and become more visible to others who might enjoy it. You can read the Earthstrike Agenda review here.

Tonight, I'm working on the script for the At The Earth's Core graphic novel adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic novel for Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse Comics. It's coming along nicely and I'm hoping to make a big dent in it this weekend.

Speaking of which, I should get back to work.

Have a great weekend.

Happy Reading.


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