Sunday, January 19, 2014


Jessica Parker Kennedy as Max on Starz's Black Sails.

I had a great Saturday.

I had a wonderful visit with the Athens Writers Association yesterday. We talked for a little more than a couple of hours. They had a lot of great questions, including one or two I hadn’t been asked before, which is always nice. I had planned to take some photos at the event, but I was so into the conversations that I forgot to take any pics. You can learn more about the group here and here.

The Athens Writers Association was a fun group and I wanted to thank Rob White for inviting me out for a visit. Hopefully, we can do it again.

After my visit with AWA, I decided to take the rest of the night off since it was late when I got home. Watched Iron Man 3 and the new Black Sails on Starz. While not my favorite of the Iron Man movies, IM3 is still good super hero fun. Black Sails was pretty good as well. I’ll definitely be back for more. Just a note: Black Sails is definitely not for the kiddies.

Today, it's back to work on Ghost Gal. There are many words to be written.

Happy Sunday!


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