Sunday, November 24, 2013


I had a fantastic time at the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Party last night. Thanks to our friends at TimeGate, The Forgotten Doctor, BritTrack, and my Earth Station One/Earth Station Who podcast cohorts for spearheading the event. There were some fun panels and events then we watched "The Night of The Doctor", "The Five(ish) Doctors Rebooted", and "The Day of The Doctor" with a large audience, which only served to heighten the fun. Kudos to all involved. This was a fun event and I look forward to Christmas.

The photo above is a shot of the Earth Station Who crew last night at the Doctor Who: 50 Years of Adventure event. With The Phantom Troublemaker, Jennifer Hartshorn, Mike Faber (hiding behind the mic), Mike Gordon, and me on the right. Such a fun time.


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