Tuesday, October 1, 2013


My table at the con.

I attended the Warner Robbins Comic Con on Sunday, September 29th. It was my first time visiting Warner Robbins, but not my first time at one of the Atlanta South Comic Cons run by Mario Russo so I knew it would be a fun event.

I rode down and shared space with my Strong Will co-writer and ESO podcast co-host, Mike Gordon, which made the three hour drive easier. The gorgeous weather was also great for traveling. Once we arrived, set up, then geeked out over the Batmobile, the show opened to a rather large crowd of comic fans. There were two rooms and both were packed all day. There were several great costumes on hand for the costume contest, which was a lot of fun. I was especially happy to see so many kids on hand who love comic book characters. That is wonderful.

Of course, a big part of attending a convention is being able to catch up with talented friends who are also at the con. It is always great chatting with cool people like Michael Gordon, Chris Hamer, Jason Flowers, Joe Pruett, June Brigman, Roy Richardson, Mark Wright, Lisa Wright, J.R. Mounts, Christopher Collins, and more.

I sold a few books and had a nice, fun day in the company of friends, fans, and creative people, which is always a great way to spend a day. It was a long day and I was completely exhausted by the time I got home (left at 6:30 a.m. and home at 9:30 p.m.), but I had a blast. Looking forward to returning to Warner Robbins next year.

You can learn more about the various Atlanta South Comic Conventions here and here.

Here are a few photos from the event.


Say Howdy to Mike Gordon

My ride

Scary Tales Noir's Detective Pickle

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