Monday, August 26, 2013


Bobby on the Talk of The Town couch
I was interviewed on Talk of The Town, a local interview show filmed in my community. Over the course of the twelve and a half minute interview, the show's host, Karen Allen and I talked about writing, Evil Ways, and Fight Card: Barefoot Bones.

The video has now been posted to the internet. You can watch it above or here. I am the second interview, following author Creston Mapes, starting around the 12 minute mark.

Host Karen Allen with Evil Ways novel
I'd like to thank host Karen Allen and producer Christopher Childs for having me as a guest on the show, which you can learn more about here.

This was my first TV interview and I was a little nervous, but Karen and Chris made me feel very at ease. I had fun. I just need to wear less bright colors, stop talking with my hands, and stop saying "you know" so much.

I hope you enjoy my appearance on Talk of The Town.


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