Thursday, July 4, 2013

Earth Station One Episode 169 – The World of H.G. Wells

Adapted by Sean Taylor
On this episode, the station is filled to the brim with folks celebrating the life and career of “The Father of Speculative Fiction,” “The Patron Saint of Steampunk,” “The Shaper of Things to Come,” “History’s Awesome Outliner,” and “That Strange Gent from Kent,” Herbert George Wells. Showing the Wellsian love along with Mike Faber, Mike Gordon, Jennifer Hartshorn, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash are Mark Maddox and Sean Taylor (two award-winners in their own right), Doctor Q (soon to win an award in something), and Drew Meyer (who should get an award for suffering through The Geek Seat). Plus, we also manage to find some time for Rants, Raves, the Khan Report, and Shout Outs.

Join us for yet another episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: The World of H.G. Wells at
Direct link:
Jaime Murray as Warehouse 13's HG

Table of Contents
0:00:00 Intro / Welcome
0:05:17 Rants and Raves
0:34:35 Geek Seat w/ Drew Meyer
0:41:10 H.G. Wells
1:27:59 The ESO Khan Report
1:33:54 ESO Shout Outs & Show Close

Next on Earth Station One...

Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!
My Rave. Erik Burnham
 on Scarlet Spider

ESO returns to the theater as the crew relive those thrilling days of yesteryear! From out of the past come the thundering hoof-beats of the great horse Silver! That’s right, The Lone Ranger rides again! ESO reviews the new Johnny Depp/Armie Hammer film and takes a look at the history of The Lone Ranger. You get all this and the usual Rants, Raves, Khan Report, Geek Seat, and Shout Outs on the next Earth Station One.

We would love to hear from you. Tell us your favorite Lone Ranger memories. Did you see the new film? Please leave a short review at,, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. We would love to hear from you. Who knows, we might just read yours on the show.

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