Friday, June 28, 2013

Needless Things Podcast Episode 5: HeroesCon 2013

Bobby Nash, Phantom Troublemaker, and Mike Gordon at Heroes Con 2013
I attended Heroes Con a few weeks back and sat down with my Earth station One/Earth Station Who cohorts, Mike Gordon and The Phantom Troublemaker to record a segment about the con for Phantom’s Needless Things Podcast. You can listen to it here.

From The Phantom Troublemaker:
Hey Phantomaniacs!

Swing on over to and check out the newest episode of the Needless Things Podcast!

This time your ol’ pal Phantom Troublemaker is LIVE from HeroesCon 2013. I sat down for on-site interviews with Jennifer of Handmade Stuffs, Kyle Starks, Jamie Cosley, Hashim of Silver Panther Studios, and even ended up with a surprise interview with Jim Rugg.

After all of that I even sat down with ESO’s very own Award-Winning Bobby Nash and the King of Tiki himself, Mike Gordon for an overview of our time at the con.

Check out Needless Things Podcast Episode 5: HeroesCon 2013 here.

Podcasters unite! Earth Station Who meets Galifrey Pirate Radio

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