Thursday, June 6, 2013


Lady Liberty hates disaster movies.
Disaster strikes the station!

The ESO crew fights for survival against impossible odds (last time we let JD use the microwave and copier at the same time) and Mike Faber, Mike Gordon, Jennifer Hartshorn, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash, reminisce with author Lisa Matthews Collins about some of greatest disaster stories of all time. Despite the station falling apart around us, we still take time to strap writer Drew Leiter in The Geek Seat and talk to Marc Ballard about the upcoming Knoxville Comic and
Drew Leiter's
Chameleon Chronicles
Anime Show
. Plus, the usual Rants, Raves, and Shout Outs! Don’t you worry, the ESO will survive! Uh, any listeners out there spare some duct tape?

Join us for yet another episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: It’s A Disaster at
Direct link:

Table of Contents
0:00:00 Intro / Welcome
0:04:33 Rants and Raves
0:28:26 Interview & Geek Seat w/ Drew Leiter
My rave: They're Back!
Longmire & The Glades return to A&E
0:43:13 Great Disasters
1:36:01 The ESO Khan Report w/ Marc Ballard
1:59:42 ESO Shout Outs
2:03:58 Show Close

Next on Earth Station One...

The ESO Crew takes a… (gasp!) vacation.

That’s right, it’s a week without Earth Station One as we open up the airlocks and air out the station. I wonder how long JD can hold his breath?
Is this... the end?

But never fear, The ESO Network still has plenty of podcasts premiering next week to tide you over.

In two week, ESO returns to review The Man of Steel and, as always, we want to hear from you. Did you see Man of Steel? We’d love to hear your thoughts on Superman’s return to the big screen at,, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. We would love to hear from you. Who knows, we might just read yours on the show.

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