Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Author Bobby Nash will be a guest at Con Nooga on March 1 - 3, 2013 in Chattanooga, TN. (due to work commitments, Bobby will only be at the convention Saturday and Sunday, March 2-3).

Here is Bobby’s panel schedule. He will also have a table set up with copies of his books on hand.

11:00AM - Pulp Fiction: The return of the pulps! What defines it as pulp?
NOON - Plotter or Pantser? Using Outlines - Pros and Cons - discussion and workshop
1:00PM - Social Media - Platform: dos and don't for writing
3:00PM - So You Want To Be a Writer?
8:00 PM - What's My Plot? A No Holds-Barred Plot off! Challenge our authors with an idea and see who comes up with the best plot!
9:00 PM - What makes a Genre a Genre? Elements of different genres

12:00 PM - Writing Believable Dialog - discussion and workshop
1:00 PM - Creating Believable Characters - discussion and workshop

Please stop by and say hi.

Bobby’s Earth Station One co-hosts, Mike Faber and Mike Gordon will also be in attendance as well as Bobby’s The Ruby Files co-creator, Sean Taylor.

Learn more about Con Nooga at www.connooga.com or on Facebook.

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