Sunday, December 30, 2012

Earth Station One Episode 143: Random Geek Talk

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! When the holidays are over and we can all just kick back and relax before starting the New Year. Mike Faber, Mike Gordon, and Bobby Nash sit by the holographic campfire for some good ol’ fashioned geek talk. Unrehearsed, unannounced, unscripted, only slightly edited, and hopefully more than mildly entertaining. The only other creature stirring is Mario Russo (organizer of the Atlanta South Comic Con) in The Geek Seat.

Join us for yet another episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: Random Geek Talk at
Direct link:

Table of Contents
0:00:00 Intro / Welcome
0:06:45 Interview & The Geek Seat w/ Mario Russo of the Atlanta South Comic Con
0:26:51 Random Geek Talk
1:45:26 The Khan Report
1:47:49 Show Close

Next on Earth Station One...
Next week, the Earth Station One crew takes a look back at the year that was 2012. The highs. The lows. The podcasts. Find out what parting shots Mike, Mike, Bobby, and several friends of the station have for 2012. Now, you’d think that would be enough for one podcasts, but no. ESO will also be looking ahead. Find out what we’re excited for in 2013.

As always, ESO wants to hear from you. We’d love to hear your 2012 highlights at, or email us at, or call 404-963-9057. We might just read yours on the show.

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