Monday, December 10, 2012

Earth Station 007: Celebrating 50 Years of James Bond on Screen

Virginia Hey as Rubavitch
Earth Station 007 celebrates 50 years of James Bond movies with a special episode devoted to the world’s best-known secret agent. Mike Faber, Mike Gordon, and Bobby Nash are joined on this mission by writer Anthony Taylor, award-winning artist Mark Maddox, Raging Bullets podcaster Sean Whelan, and Alan J. Porter, author of “James Bond: The History of the Illustrated 007.” We also chat with Rich Morris and Richie Brackin about “A Time to Live, A Time to Kill,” a webcomic bringing two British icons together. Last, but certainly not least, we are honored to be joined by Virginia Hey, a Bond Girl who kisses and tells about her time on “The Living Daylights.”

Join us for this special episode of The Earth Station One Podcast we like to call: Earth Station 007: Celebrating 50 Years of James Bond on Screen at
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