Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today was a very hectic day. And not in a good way. Sadly, that means I didn’t accomplish any writing at all.

On the upside, I did get to interview actress/writer Claudia Christian, whose work I enjoy, about her upcoming memoir, Babylon Confidential for the Earth Station One podcast tonight. Claudia was a great guest and a lot of fun to chat with. I was fortunate enough to receive an advance copy of the book and it is a very good and frank read about life in Hollywood and her battles with alcoholism. She doesn't pull any punches. The interview will air as part of next week’s ESO episode at I'll post a link here when it goes live.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be more productive on the writing front.



  1. You lucky sonnuvagun! You know I'll tune in next week!

  2. Thanks, Mark. She was a lot of fun to talk to and her book is a really good read. Plus, she took a turn in The Geek Seat too, which is always fun.

