Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Bobby Nash and Sean Taylor discuss the creation of The Ruby Files at Josh Reynold’s blog. Please check it out at http://joshuamreynolds.blogspot.com/
In March, Airship 27 launched its 45th title (the 4th of 2012) about a 1930’s pulp detective named Rick Ruby. Co-created and written by Bobby Nash and Sean Taylor, The Ruby Files also sports tales from writers Andrew Salmon and William Patrick Maynard. Interior art by Rob Moran. Cover art by Mark Wheatley.

THE RUBY FILES is now available at the following:

Digital Edition - http://robmdavis.com/Airship27Hangar/airship27hangar.html
Print [Amazon] - http://www.amazon.com/The-Ruby-Files-Volume-One/dp/0615609236
Print [Indy Planet] - http://www.indyplanet.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6797

And check out these cool Ruby Files interviews:

THE RUBY FILES GETS PULPED! The creative team behind the new anthology interviewed by the PULPED! podcast. http://pulped.libsyn.com/webpage/pulped-the-official-new-pulp-podcast-the-ruby-files-gets-pulped-

All Pulp’s The Ruby Files Round Robin Interview: http://allpulp.blogspot.com/2012/03/all-pulps-round-robin-interview-ruby.html

And there’s a free preview download at http://www.taylorverse.com/Rick%20Ruby%20Preview%20Edition.pdf

You can learn more about The Ruby Files and Airship 27 at http://www.airship27.com/
You can learn more about Ruby co-creator Sean Taylor at http://www.taylorverse.com/
You can learn more about Ruby co-creator Bobby Nash at http://www.bobbynash.com/

Visit the official The Ruby Files website at http://rickruby.blogspot.com/

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