It's time for another round of Table Talk, where we invite you, the reader, behind the table to listen in on what New Pulp authors Barry Reese, Bobby Nash, and Mike Bullock discuss when they think no one is listening. Shhhh! Don't let them know you're here.
This week we discuss our criteria for saying yes or no to projects. We also ponder the pros and cons of working for exposure only, which is a fancy way of saying work for free.
New Pulp’s Table Talk - What's it Worth? is now available at
Direct link:
Join the conversation. Leave us a comment on the blog and let us know your thoughts on this topic. We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions.
Have a question you want the Table Talk Trio to answer? Send it to with "Table Talk Question" in the subject line. Also, let us know if you want attribution for the question, or you'd rather remain anonymous. Please, keep the questions pertinent to the creation of New Pulp and/or writing speculative fiction in general. We'll get the questions worked into future columns.
Follow the Table Talk Trio on Twitter @BarryReesePulp @BobbyNash @MikeABullock and Facebook.
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