Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Bobby and his books
I had a blast at the Atlanta Comic Convention on Sunday, April 15th in Atlanta, GA. A good time was indeed had by all. Learn more about the convention and the date for the next ACC at


Here are some photos from the event.
Click on images for a larger view.

My table. That's Anthony Taylor in the background.

Geoffrey Gwin

Peter Cutler

Jack and Charis Taylor

Sean Taylor & Lysa Shin. Will Beerman in back.

Earth Station One's Mike and William Faber

My Bloody Olde Englund cohort, Jason Flowers.

Solomon Mars

Lysa Shin

The first appearance of my Book Talkers. Each one tells about my story in the book.

I really like this idea and I think it works well.

It also gives my table a nice look. I'll definitely do more of these.

Sean Taylor and Will (Muppet) Beerman. Don't ask. Don't tell.

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