Thursday, March 15, 2012


I had a really good day of writing today. I wrote well over 3,000 words plus polishing to finish my Major Lacy story for Pro Se Press’ Pulp Obscura line, one day ahead of the deadline, which is always nice.

I also spent a few hours doing some marketing and promotion, both very important to the writing business.
I posted information around the web about the latest episode of the Earth Station One podcast (, the latest New Pulp Table Talk column (, and posted information for and set up interviews regarding the recent release of The Ruby Files from Airship 27, which can be found at the following:
Cover: Mark Wheatley
Digital - Airship 27 Hangar:
Print - CreateSpace:
Print - Indy Planet:

And there's still much to do. I have another short story due this week and a novella due on April 1st for Pulp 2.0 Press' upcoming jungle girl anthology. Plus, there's that Domino Lady novel for Moonstone Books that needs my attention.

Wow. I'd better get back to work. :)


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