Thursday, February 2, 2012

THE GREEN HORNET: STILL AT LARGE pre-order and final covers

Cover Art: Douglas Klauba
Over at Win Scott Eckert’s blog {}, Win posted the following:

Cover: Ruben Procopio
The third volume of short stories from Moonstone Books about the 1960s Green Hornet and Kato continues to move forward.

I revealed the final art for the limited edition hardcover by Rubén Procopio several months ago, and now I'm pleased to also show off the trade softcover by Douglas Klauba! (I'm also thrilled that I was able to purchase this painting from Mr. Klauba, and it will hang proudly in my basement Cave of Geek. :-)

The Green Hornet: Still at Large is edited by Joe Gentile, Win Scott Eckert, and Matthew Baugh, and will be available either June 30, or July 17, 2012, depending on which listing you believe. :-)

 Amazon - limited edition hardcover -

 Amazon - trade softcover (link coming soon)

 B&N - limited edition hardcover -

 B&N - trade softcover -

Check out that discount on B&N! Get your pre-orders in now!

Thanks, Win.

The Green Hornet: Still at Large anthology features a story by Bobby Nash called “The Gauntlet.”

For more information on Moonstone Books, visit
For more on Win Scott Eckert, visit
For more on Douglas Klauba, visit

For more on Ruben Procopio, visit

Click on images for a larger view.

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