Saturday, January 14, 2012

The end... and a beginning.

Not The Cover
Finished my story for The Spider anthology in a late night writing session. I just couldn’t get my writing muscles working during the day today, but a couple thousand words tonight came in handy. My story is called "Fear The Dark" and it has been sent off to my editor at Moonstone Books.

Next up, I've got a story to do for The New Adventures of The Eagle for Pulp Obscura then back to Lance Star: Sky Ranger (a novella for vol. 4 and finishing up the full-length novel) for Airship 27 and a graphic novel script for New Legend Productions after that.


Not The Cover
But all that can start in the morning. Or rather, later this morning as it's after 2 a.m. as I type this.

For now, I think sleep sounds like a good idea.


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