Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Round Con Wrap Up

My table at Round Con
I was a guest at Round Con in Columbia, SC last weekend. Round Con is a small convention that is primarily a gaming con, but has been expanding to cover other segments of entertainment. The crowds were very enthusiastic and everyone was having a great time.

Short Story panel. L-R: Stuart Jaffe, Bobby Nash, John Hartness, Louis Bright-Raven
 The panels were also a lot of fun. I was on three panels. The Short story: Not Dead Yet, Comics: Not Just For Kids, and Creator-owned vs. Work-For-Hire.

Comics panel. L-R: Kittyhawk, Mike Gordon, Louis Bright-Raven, Bobby Nash, Sanford Greene
Thanks so much for Sean and John for inviting me up for the weekend and for my carpoolin' creator buddy, Mike Gordon for riding up with me. It was a fun weekend. Here's some photos from the weekend. Click on the images for a larger view.
Mike "Fan-tiki-tastic" Gordon

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