Monday, August 8, 2011

Bloody Olde Englund teaser. Page 1

Here's a sneak peek at Bloody Olde Englund page 1.

Bloody Olde Englund page 1. Click for larger view.
Bloody Olde Englund
Written by Bobby Nash
Art & Colors by Jason Flowers
Letters by James Burns

Look for a special convention preview edition of the upcoming graphic novel by Bobby Nash, Jason Flowers, and James Burns called Bloody Olde Englund at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA (September 2 - 5). Both Bobby and Jason will be on hand with Bloody Good Giveaways, the limited edition preview featuring the first 22 pages, and maybe even a special announcement or two.

Until then, enjoy this sneak peek at Bloody Olde Englund page 1.

For more information about Bloody Olde Englund please visit the official site at

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