Sunday, January 18, 2015


Cover: Douglas Klauba
A big Thank You Very Much to Mighty Mark Holmes for leaving a Domino Lady "Money Shot" review at Amazon. You can read the full review here.

Much appreciated, sir. Glad you liked it. Mark is the second reviewer to comment on the high heels bit in the novel. That makes my day as I love that bit.


A Novel by Bobby Nash

Politics make strange bedfellows. A deadly ménage-a-trois of power, politics and money, threatens to bring 1930’s Hollywood to its knees. An assassin is hired to kill an idealistic young DA
DL & Golden Amazon
Cover Art: Francheso!
running for governor, who happens to be Domino Lady’s lover. A morally bankrupt movie star-turned ambitious politician, with mob ties and a temper, takes both of them on. Can Domino Lady keep her candidate safe or will she learn the hard way that politics can be murder…and moreover, can pulp’s #1 sultry temptress survive the money shot?

Plus a bonus GOLDEN AMAZON -warrior woman- novella by Howard Hopkins!

Moonstone Books presents Domino Lady “Money Shot” a novel by author Bobby Nash. Under an amazing cover art by Douglas Klauba, the Domino Lady “Money Shot” novel is edited by New York Times Bestselling Author Nancy Holder, herself no stranger to the character, having written several stories with pulp’s #1 sultry temptress. Also included as a special bonus is a Golden Amazon novella by author Howard Hopkins.

DOMINO LADY: “MONEY SHOT” can be purchased at the following:
Moonstone Direct (paperback)          Amazon (paperback)
Barnes and Noble (paperback)          Book Depository (paperback)
Amazon UK (paperback)                  Amazon CA (paperback)
Midtown Comics (paperback)           Mile High Comics (paperback)
Indigo (paperback)                            DCBS: Discount Comic Book Service (paperback)
Tower Books (paperback)                Oxford Book Shop (paperback)
In Stock Trades (paperback)            Bud's Art Books (paperback)
Westfield Comics (paperback)          MyComicShop (paperback)
Amazon Kindle (ebook)                    Barnes and Noble Nook (ebook)
Comixology (ebook)                         And more.

You can read the full review here.

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